clix - Lesson 3. Is Mama a Loser?
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3/20/2025, 8:00:46 AM
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Dika and Mama are friends- they like each other and do most things together. The students in their school usually make fun of Mama. When Mama drops a catch in a game of cricket, others make fun of him, calling him ‘loser’, except Dika who is quiet.



The others look at him and say ‘your friend is a losesr, you are friend of a loser, friend of a loser….’ and keep repeating this’. Dika suddenly shouts at Mama 'You are a loser, can’t you take a simple catch?’ The others stop taunting Dika and the game continues. A couple of minutes later, Dika sees tears coming down Mama’s face.


[Contributed by on 15. März 2025 23:45:13]


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